Joshua Tree National Park - Artist in Residence Day 8

Black Rock Canyon

Change of plans this morning, instead of a hike on the east side of the park, I drove down to Palm Springs with Ranger A to purchase more paint for our project.  I had planned to stop by the little art supply shop in town, but it turns out they closed after my last visit here, and so we had to make the longer trip.  In the afternoon I went for a hike on the High View Trail in Black Rock Canyon, where I unfortunately encountered a number of visitors behaving poorly.  There was a family hiking with their dog; pets are not allowed on trails in the park, they disturb wildlife, among other issues.  More personally irksome was discovering that the incessant, loud swarm of bees I was hearing was actually someone flying a drone.  Drone use is illegal in national parks, for myriad reasons.  It was also annoying to have to listen to the noise while trying to enjoy what should have been a quiet, solitary experience.

In the evening I visited the grocery store, cooked some dinner, and spent a number of hours drawing.

I love the blue tones on this lizard.

A view of Mount San Gorgonio and the San Bernardino Mountains.

A couple of Parry's Nolina in bloom.

A gneiss boulder and Joshua tree.

Founds some especially vibrant lichen.
